Quite a few people have difficulty making decisions. Those who do should avoid management responsibilities in their work. Taking action and making decisions is what a supervisor or manager should do. If you cannot face problems and take action then you will fail in your managerial role.
People who supervise others have to make tough decisions all
the time, everyday. They might range from a small problem to something if vital
importance. It might be mediating a dispute between employees or setting goals
for your department. Each decision requires energy and effort on your part.
A common problem among new managers is to ignore a problem
in hopes it will go away. It doesn’t go away by itself. As a manager you need
to face the problem and take responsibility for deciding a course of action for
a solution. Many new managers don’t make decisions because then they cannot be
criticized for make a poor judgment. However a continuous lack of decision
making will be notice by the company and damage your career more than if you do
not take any action.
You will be criticized anyway, and for something far more
serious, such as failing to produce results. You might be able to fool some
people but you will not fool your boss. Sooner or later you will be viewed as
an ineffective manager. Someone who cannot make decisions. You need to have the
courage to make decisions even if they are the wrong ones. This is the only way
you will learn to be a good manager and leader.
The art of management is to know how to avoid the two
extremes. You might be delaying on a particular problem and then you try to
avoid a snap decision. Knowing what to do can be a problem and only experience
will help with that. However if action is needed immediately a decision needs
to be made. Even if it is a poor decision, sometimes that’s better than no
decision at all.
If it is an important decision, perhaps to spend a large sum
of money, take time to think but don’t over analyze it. Consider all available
options. If the decision is left up to you make the best decision you feel
possible. If it’s something you would spend your money on then you will make
the right decision.
If you have managers working under you then you want them to
make decisions. After all that’s why they are in that position. The same goes
for your boss. He expects you to make decisions. Your company wants an
organization that moves instead of one that rests, for fear of making mistakes.
Remember: You live and die by the decisions you make or don’t
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